Some times I do crazy things, this time I tried to use Visaul Basic to access
my cell phone phone book using MBUS protocol. There are a lot of programs
out there which can do this and a lot more. This is just a sample code to show
the basics of implementing MBUS using Visual Basic.
The best source for information about MBUS protocol is
This is a sample code, don't expect too much. I accept no responsibility about problems you
may cause when you use this sample code. Download Code
Dim AckString, PCAckString, SeqNum
Private Sub Form_Activate()
' First, set your COMM control properties for MBUS
MSComm1.Settings = "9600,o,8,1"
MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary
MSComm1.RTSEnable = True
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
'These are headers for ACK messages
AckString = Chr(&H1F) + Chr(&H1D) + Chr(&H0) + Chr(&H7F)
PCAckString = Chr(&H1F) + Chr(&H0) + Chr(&H1D) + Chr(&H7F)
'I did not find any resource about how to start a Sequence Number
'I had to send a dummy message in order to start with my number
SeqNum = 1
temp = ReadPhoneBook(250, Nam, Number)
'This loop will read first 100 items from phone book
For i = 1 To 100
SeqNum = SeqNum + 1
Success = ReadPhoneBook(i, Nam, Number)
If Nam <> "" Then
List1.AddItem Nam & " " & Number
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Function ReadPhoneBook(Index, Nam, Number)
'Create the message for reading the phone book
SendBuffer = Chr(&H1F) + Chr(&H0) + Chr(&H1D) + Chr(&H40) _
+ Chr(&H0) + Chr(&H7) + Chr(&H0) + Chr(&H1) _
+ Chr(&H1F) + Chr(&H1) + Chr(&H4) + Chr(&H86) + Chr(Index)
SendBuffer = SendBuffer + Chr(SeqNum) ' Sequence Number
OutBuffer = SendBuffer + calcCheckSum(SendBuffer) ' Add checksum
MSComm1.Output = OutBuffer
ReadPhoneBook = False
StartTime = Timer ' For timeout
B = MSComm1.Input
If Len(B) <> 0 Then
B = StrConv(B, vbUnicode)
'For i = 1 To Len(B)
' Text1.Text = Text1.Text & " " & Hex(Asc(Mid(B, i, 1)))
Buffer = Buffer & B
Ind = InStr(Buffer, AckString) ' Look for ACK from phone
If Ind <> 0 Then Buffer = Mid(Buffer, Ind + 6)
' Look for phone book entry message
If Left(Buffer, 4) = Chr(&H1F) + Chr(&H1D) + Chr(&H0) + Chr(&H40) Then
If Len(Buffer) > 15 Then
NameStart = InStr(15, Buffer, Chr(0))
NameEnd = InStr(NameStart + 1, Buffer, Chr(0))
If NameStart <> 0 And NameEnd <> 0 And Len(Buffer) = NameEnd + 2 Then
NameStart = NameStart + 1
Number = Mid(Buffer, 15, NameStart - 16)
Nam = Mid(Buffer, NameStart, InStr(NameStart, Buffer, Chr(0)) - NameStart)
ReadPhoneBook = True
' Send ACK to phone
Seq = Asc(Mid(Buffer, NameEnd + 1, 1))
MSComm1.Output = PCAckString & Chr(Seq) & calcCheckSum(PCAckString & Chr(Seq))
' Delay between each message
sleep 0.5
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Timer - StartTime > 0.5 Then
Buffer = ""
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & " TIMEOUT " & vbCrLf
Exit Do
End If
MSComm1.InBufferCount = 0
'Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf
End Function
'This function calculates the checksum byte
Function calcCheckSum(SendBuffer)
CheckSum = Asc(Left(SendBuffer, 1))
For i = 2 To Len(SendBuffer)
CheckSum = CheckSum Xor Asc(Mid(SendBuffer, i, 1))
calcCheckSum = Chr(CheckSum)
End Function
'This creates a delay
Sub sleep(numSecs)
StartTime = Timer
Loop Until Timer - StartTime >= numSecs
End Sub